Book Arts Study Group Revived

Oct 15, 2019 | Book Arts Study Group

Twelve bookbinding enthusiasts came together on September 24th to organize our new SCTA Book Arts Study Group. After polling the attendees and reviewing input from several members who could not attend the meeting, we decided afternoon sessions would be best attended. After reviewing the space availabilities for the small meeting room at the Shepard Garden Center, we have scheduled the recurring meetings to be on the third Thursdays of each month. October will be an exception as we will meet on Wednesday, October 23rd.

(Note: Dates for the coming year include: November 21, December 19, January 16, February 20, March 19, April 16 and May 21.)

At the September meeting, Sharon Tanovitz showed us how to make a “dos a dos” booklet with pamphlet stitching.

Original meeting invitation below:

Do you remember when SCTA used to have an active Book Arts Group? Well, many of us do and so we want to bring it back. To kick things off we will host an organizational meeting on September 24, 2019 at 6:00 pm, to be held at Shepard Garden & Art Center, 3330 McKinley Boulevard, Sacramento.

Please come if you are interested in joining this study group. The Book Arts (and Paper Arts) Study Group will become a monthly event. Our first order of business will be deciding when to meet. Daytime or evenings? Then what day of the month for a recurring event. Second order of business will be completing a small book project. We will supply the materials. Bring your tool kit if you have one.

At this first meeting we will also consider the types of projects we want to undertake this coming year. We will also be including paper art projects for consideration. And we’ll be looking for volunteers who would like to teach some of these projects. This first meeting will be free to everyone, and following meetings will be free to SCTA members or $5 for others.

So please join us on September 24th, and bring friends, and any samples of book or paper projects you want to suggest for our upcoming projects. If you can’t make it to this meeting, please send a note to LuAnne Hansen if you still want to be involved with the new group. Hope to see you all at the Shepard.