Volunteer Opportunities

Aug 14, 2024 | Announcements

SCTA is a volunteer-run non-profit organization. Our volunteers do it all—planning, organizing, teaching, balancing the books, recording our events in words and pictures. But as often happens, a small group of volunteers ends up doing it all. This can lead to burnout, so we try to limit our volunteer commitments to two-year time spans. And time is up for many of our committed volunteers. If you are interested in keeping our little fiber arts community thriving, please get involved.

We’re looking for volunteers for a two year commitment, starting January 2025. We need people for the following positions:

  • Vice President/Membership chair (knowledge of Excel spreadsheets helpful)
  • College Liaison
  • Publicity chair
  • Social media chair
  • Newsletter editor/publisher

Most positions require only a few hours a month, especially if you are partnering with 2 or 3 others. Give it some thought and let us know. Questions? Email Barbra Lord blcl@me.com if you are interested in the elected VP job. The other positions are appointed, and you can contact Gloria Robertson for more information about those.