In the February 14, 2019 Surface Design and Mixed Media Study Group meeting we explored the...
Modular Knitting
For the February Needle Arts Study Group, we will continue our exploration of modular knitting...
Upcycled Book Art Bracelet
We had one of the largest attendance for a meeting in a long time at Bead Study this month. Five...
Kumihimo Part 2: With Beads!
Anne DeStefano taught us how to load beads on the cords in our kumihimo disks, and how to start...
2019 Meetings and Events
Here's an overview of the schedule of events and meetings for 2019. Check the calendar or separate...
Your 2019 Board
Elections were held for the SCTA board on January 2, 2019. The new board lineup is President:...
Holiday Potluck
For our December gathering, the SCTA Beading Study Group had a wonderful potluck luncheon at the...
Art to Wear & More 2018 Wrap-up
The annual Art to Wear & More Show & Sale was again a success in 2018. We had 25...
Kumihimo Intro
Anne DeStefano provided an introduction to kumihimo braiding. We learned how to figure out the...