January General Membership Meeting: Merridee and Keith Smith

Thursday, January 9th, 12:30–3:00Shepard Garden & Arts Center We have some great speakers for you in January at our first General...

Next at SCTA

Bead Study Group with Sally Nagy
Tuesday, February 11th, 10am at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center

Book Arts Study Group with LuAnne Hansen
Thursday, February 13th, 12;30pm at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center

Surface Design Group with Yvonne Warren
Thursday, February 20th, 12;30pm at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center

Needle Arts Group with Barbra Lord
Saturday, March 1st, 9:00am at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center

March General Meeting:
Thursday, March 13th, 12;30pm at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center


About Sacramento Collective for the Textile Arts

The Sacramento Collective for the Textile Arts celebrates the link between the creative individual and the artwork of textiles. We offer a wide range of programs for practicing artists, collectors, and all who appreciate fiber arts. SCTA is a non-profit corporation, founded in 1979.

What we do

SCTA sponsors an array of educational programs throughout the year, including

  • Lectures by nationally recognized guest speakers on such topics as surface design, ethnic textiles, artistic clothing, quilting, weaving, jewelry, and marketplaces.
  • Workshops on techniques related to textile arts, including dyeing and printing, beading, quilting, embroidery, felting, mixed media, and papermaking/bookbinding.
  • Bus trips to special events and places related to the textile arts.

Unless otherwise stated, all programs and events are held at Shepard Garden and Arts Center.

Connect with us on Facebook

Sacramento Collective for the Textile Arts’ Facebook page contains information on special events and regular meeting dates, member activities, and notices of activities related to the textile arts. Find us at facebook.com/SacramentoCenterForTheTextileArts, and in the study group pages listed above.